Copyright Policy

Thomas College attempts to make a good faith, 为遵守现行版权法(美国法典第17章)的精神和意图而作出的合理努力, on the Web at ).

《网上网赌平台》第17编第106条规定,版权所有人保留复制的专有权, distribution, derivation, public performance, and display. Under most circumstances, 在使用任何受版权保护的材料之前,必须事先获得许可.

Fair Use

An exception to the copyright owner’s exclusive rights is “fair use.” Section 107 of Title 17 states:

§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, 包括以复制品或唱片复制或以该条指明的任何其他方法使用, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. 在确定在任何特定情况下对作品的使用是否属于合理使用时,应考虑的因素包括

(1) the purpose and character of the use, 包括这种使用是否具有商业性质或用于非营利性教育目的;

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and




According to the first factor, 材料网上正规网赌平台于非营利性教育目的,以符合合理使用. 第一个因素包括但未说明的是对可获得性和访问时间的限制.e., 材料只能提供给特定班级的学生,并且只能在有限的时间内使用(不超过一个学期)。. Materials posted on the Web should be password protected.

According to the second factor, 非虚构或事实作品比创造性作品更有可能符合合理使用的条件.

根据第三个因素,只有一小部分作品可以被用于符合合理使用的条件. 单独的期刊文章被认为是完整的作品,因此通常不符合资格. On the other hand, if the weight of the other 3 factors tends strongly toward fair use, then a substantial part or a work or a whole work may be used.

According to the fourth factor, 为盈利而出售的材料或从潜在的原始销售中提取的材料, does not qualify for fair use.


In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, since incorporated into Title 17, 学院提供了一个联系人和解决版权侵权索赔的过程. The “designated agent” for claims of infringement is:

Christopher Rhoda
Thomas College
180 West River Road
Waterville, ME 04901
(207) 859-1124
[email protected]

Claimants should supply to the designated agent the following information (from Section 512 of Title 17):

(3) Elements of Notification.-

(A) To be effective under this subsection, 声称侵权的通知必须是提供给服务提供商的指定代理的书面通知,其中主要包括以下内容:


(ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, 如果一个在线网站上的多个版权作品被一个通知覆盖, a representative list of such works at that site.

(iii)确定声称侵权或侵权活动主体的材料,以及将被移除或禁止访问的材料, 以及合理足够的网上网赌平台,以允许服务提供者定位该材料.

(iv)足以让服务提供者与投诉方取得联系的合理网上网赌平台, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.

(v)一份声明,说明投诉方真诚地相信以被投诉的方式使用该材料未经版权拥有人授权, its agent, or the law.

(vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, 申诉方被授权代表据称受到侵犯的专有权的所有人行事.

Upon notification of a possible copyright violation, 指定的代理将迅速删除有问题的材料,并联系负责发布的员工. 指定代理人与雇员不能达成协议的, 此事将提交学术计算委员会解决.

Material found to be in violation of copyright law, including the provisions of the fair use clause, will remain removed. 但是,如果发现材料不违反版权法,则可以重新发布. 指定代理人将负责与索赔人就版权侵权索赔的最终处理进行沟通.

指定代理人将保留所有侵犯版权索赔的记录. 收到三次投诉的员工将被禁止使用学院网络, in accordance with Section 512 of Title 17.

重要提示:尽管根据上述安全港条款,学院可以避免侵犯版权的责任, 员工个人仍需对其滥用负责,并鼓励在未经版权所有者事先许可的情况下张贴受版权保护的材料时格外小心.


Section 1201 of Title 17 stipulates that “technological measures” (e.g.(密码保护),不得规避版权持有人设置的合理使用目的.


Section 1202 of Title 17 规定版权管理网上网赌平台(CMI)必须保留,并且必须伴随版权作品的任何使用. CMI包含版权声明网上网赌平台,通常以符号©指定. CMI also includes the name of the author or copyright owner, the title of the work, and the performers and writers credited on an audiovisual work. CMI may further include terms and conditions for use of the work, 比如印刷在书上的限制性禁令,以及管理下载材料的“点击”合同